
Red logo.png

White logo.png

Black logo.png

Download logo pack


Table of contents

Our logo

We have designed a new logo to embody the spirit of the CSIT Society and to represent the future of our club as a leader in connecting students and goals within the community.

See our animated Discord logos.

Our colour

We believe that our colour #B22222 represents the passion that RMIT students have for being a part of something special, and helping to move the world forwards at the edge of technology and community. It is also the HTML colour firebrick, and as such can be easily utilised on the web. It also sounds really cool.

Logo guidelines

The new logo can be used on our red colour, white, black, or non-busy image backgrounds only.

See top for download links to download the new logo.

Correct use

When using our logo, please select the most visible variant for the background it will be placed on. If you have any questions, you can contact us.