Welcome to the very first issue of our monthly Bit-zine, brought to you by the RMIT CSIT Society.

Monthly Bits

🤔 Riddle of the month

I have an end but no beginning, a home but no family, a space without room. I never speak but there is no word I cannot make. What am I?

🃏 Meme of the month



🌸 Haiku of the month

I have much respectFor those who work the night shiftPlease enjoy your sleep*- chaos691#7736*

🧠 Biggest brain of the month

"The hospital building you were born in is the only building you leave without entering" - Sohan (Lazarynth#3956)

Fan Art

"Bit and Octopus" - Ben Grant (Benpai#9772)

"Bit and Octopus" - Ben Grant (Benpai#9772)

Tech News

Google stands against the new Australian media law proposal

Could Google really leave Australia?

Elon is colonising space with satellites

SpaceX launches 143 satellites after weather problems delayed the record-breaking mission

Raspberry Pi launches their own microcontroller

Meet Raspberry Silicon: Raspberry Pi Pico now on sale at $4 - Raspberry Pi